How to make strong magnet and its method


It is determined by the characteristics of magnets. If it is interpreted according to atomic current, it means that the magnetic field generated by current magnetizes other objects. Magnetized objects generate electric field. The interaction between electric field and electric field generates force. The acting substances are mostly composed of molecules. Molecules are composed of atoms, and atoms are composed of atomic nuclei and electrons. Inside the atom, the electrons keep rotating around the nucleus. Both movements of electrons produce magnetism. But in most materials, the direction of electron movement is different and disorderly, and the magnetic effects cancel each other. Therefore, most materials do not show magnetism under normal conditions. Ferromagnetic materials such as iron, cobalt, nickel or ferrite are different. The internal electronic spins can be arranged spontaneously in a small range to form a spontaneous magnetization region, which is called magnetic domain. After the ferromagnetic materials are magnetized, the internal magnetic domains are arranged in a neat and consistent way, so that the magnetism is strengthened and a magnet is formed. The iron absorption process of the magnet is the magnetization process of the iron block. The magnetized iron block and the magnet have attraction between different polarities, and the iron block is firmly "stuck" with the magnet. We say that the magnet is magnetic.


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